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rest and restore at the wigwam

Discover the Latest Energy Psychology Research 

14th Annual Research Symposium

Thursday, May 29, 2025   8:30am - 4:15pm

Free with main conference registration ($210 value) - 6 CE hours*

Learn latest research at the research symposium

Knowing the science behind energy psychology and energy healing can help you communicate more effectively with doctors and other referral sources. Join us for ACEP's 14th annual EP Research Symposium and hear about the latest research being conducted by some of the leading scientists and clinicians in the fields of energy psychology and energy medicine.



  • Name 3 energy psychology modalities for which there is scientific research.

  • Name 3 pioneers in the field of energy psychology.

  • Describe 3 steps to conducting quality research studies.

  • List 3 countries where energy psychology research is being conducted.

  • Name 3 DSM-5 conditions for which energy psychology modalities have been found to be effective.

  • Name 3 researchers who have conducted research studies on energy psychology modalities.



Title TBD

Shoshana Garfield, PhD​


Symposium Coordinator: John Freedom, CEHP.  Author of Heal Yourself with Emotional Freedom Technique, he is chairman of ACEP's research committee. John also serves on the Board of Trustees for EFT International, and as executive director for FREA: Finding Recovery and Empowerment from Abuse.



*Session is approved for different CE boards, but no  APA or CNE CE is available.

Please visit the CE Hours page for detailed information.


Don't Forget Your Dancing Shoes!

Annual Gala & Dance Party
Saturday ~ May 31st    7:00 pm - Midnight


There’s no substitute for connecting in person with 400+ like-hearted

and like-minded professionals.... And there's nothing like a

dance party to make new acquaintances feel like old friends.  

Have a blast dancing

Bring your dancing shoes and get ready to party.

We guarantee the dance floor will fill in 10 seconds flat!

You'll also enjoy a delicious dinner and awards ceremony.


Purchase your dinner tickets with your registration!

Lift Your Spirits & Energize Your Body

T'ai Chi with David Rosenberg

Dance of Connection with Julie Delene

Friday, May 31 
3:50 - 4:20pm
 Move your body with Tai Chi

T'ai Chi: Afternoon Energizer


Enjoy an afternoon T'ai Chi break! Guided by Dave, you will learn a short series of movements from the T'ai Chi Fundamentals® program to help renew, center, and recharge your energies. T'ai Chi expresses in physical, energetic, and psychological movement the Taoist principle of balance in the midst of constant change. This brief energizer introduces participants to selected movements from the T'ai Chi Fundamentals® program. No previous experience required!


David Rosenberg PhD, LCP, is professor/chair and licensed clinical psychologist at Averett University in Virginia with over 25 years of teaching experience. He is a Level 4 Certified T'ai Chi Fundamentals® Instructor, Certified Eden Method Practitioner and Authorized Eden Method Instructor.

Saturday, June 1 
4:20 - 4:50pm

Dance of Connection:

Let's Move Forward Together


The dance of connection offers a creative way to increase your vitality and joy, while deepening your connection with others. Engage this non-verbal way to play together and improve your communication. Practice listening with your whole-body and learn how to move-in-rhythm with each other. This moving conversation is fun and heart opening. We put emotions into motion, practice relational mindfulness, and expand our connections with joy.


Julie Delene is founder of Move As One and author of Moved to Create. Synthesizing more than three decades of management consulting with extensive studies in Eastern practices and professional ballroom dance, Julie has created experiential programs that align insight and purpose while co-creating a new dance of interconnection.

Start Your Day with
Early Morning Energizers

6:30am - 7:15am

​Meditation Made Easy 

Debra Greene, PhD, is an innovator in energy medicine, energy psychology and mind-body integration. Author of the acclaimed book, Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health, she has lectured extensively, worked with thousands of clients, and taught hundreds of workshops.

Laughter Yoga​

Robin Masiewicz is certified laughter yoga teacher and co-creator of Hawaiian laughter yoga. She is a nature intuitive and an award winning floral and special event designer. Robin is also a pastor, life coach, and creator of Flowerful Wisdom and Flowerful Living, which provide tools for well-being.  

5 Mindful MovesTM to Begin Your Day​

Julie Delene is founder of Move As One and author of Moved to Create. Synthesizing more than three decades of management consulting with extensive studies in Eastern practices and professional ballroom dance, Julie has created experiential programs that truly resonate with people. 

Vagal Movement: A Practical Way to Regulate Yourself & Your Clients 


Erin May is the founder of The Bodymind Centre, a 30 year multidiciplinary wellness facility with various types of yoga and pilates classes, bodywork, councelling, hypnotherapy, retail, workshops and retreats. In 2017, Erin created Vagal Yoga to help clients regulate their nervous systems to promote healing. She teaches classes regularly at her facility, at conferences and on retreats

Music is Energy Therapy​

Bob Schwarz 

Charleene Clossey

Kerri Vercellini​​​​


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